What is technology - and why is it so important for us humans in everyday life?

Photo: Pixabay.com

Innovations and new technologies change the world and the everyday life of every individual. Much of what was a vision of the future yesterday is a reality today. We are surrounded by technology at every moment of our lives.

We use technology to share information, clean our clothes, prepare our food, and get from one place to another. But everyday things such as door locks, floor panels, or furniture are technologies that we take for granted and are less impressive than self-driving cars or 3D printing. But what exactly do we mean by technology, and what types of technology are there?
What do we mean by technology?

What is technology - and why is it so essential for us humans in everyday life? Strictly speaking, when we talk about technology, we often actually mean technology. Technology is a much narrower term and describes how a product works or a method to achieve the desired result. Technology goes further and also includes the experience around the technology. Literally, technology is the science of using technology. Due to the influence of the English term for technology, technology, it has become common in recent years to speak of new technologies and not of new techniques in German.

But what do we mean by technology? When we hear the term, we often think of innovations in communication. Or visions of the future reminiscent of science fiction films come to mind. In terms of everyday life, we automatically think of objects powered by electricity and are usually rather complex. But technology doesn't have to be complicated. Put simply, we use technology whenever we use scientific knowledge to achieve a specific purpose, whether in industry or in our daily lives. From the discovery of the wheel to computers and MP3 players to the latest technologies such as self-driving cars, countless technological innovations have shaped our everyday lives or will shape them in the future.
What types of technology are there?

There are different types of technology. As the name suggests, essential technologies are the basis of our industry. They have not only been tried and tested in theory and in the laboratory but have been in practice for years. The essential technologies include, for example, combustion engines, transistors, and the power grid. Necessary technologies are of the utmost importance for industry and business. Ideally, new technology will eventually become the basic technology. KETs are the key to further development in the relevant technology sector. Key technologies are the focus of science. They are sufficiently researched to derive a practical application reference but not enough to fully realize all potential applications. Examples of crucial technologies are bioinformatics, image recognition, robotics, solar energy, and hybrid technology.

Pacemaker technologies are not yet ready for use, but they are more than just dreams of the future. They already have an application reference and can become critical technologies through further development. Pacemaker technologies are often associated with risky investments. Examples of pacemaker technologies are neuroinformatics, genetic engineering, and nanotechnology. Emerging technologies still in the research stage are the so-called future technologies.

Key, pacemaker, and future technologies are referred to as new technologies. They are essential for the further development of society and the competitiveness of companies.

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